Posted by: Words of Wisdom | September 11, 2017

When Will They Admit That Climate Change Is Real?

When Will They Admit That Climate Change Is Real?


Hurricane Irma

While Hurricane Irma wreaks havoc in the Caribbean Islands, Cuba, and the entire State of Florida, we find many if not most Republican lawmakers still locked in denial that human activity has a direct result on climate change.  “Too soon,” they all say.  The same dodge they used after virtually every newsworthy mass shooting incident to not talk about gun regulation.


The NRA has been responsible for all of the dodging of gun regulation questions.  One could easily assume that the lack of common sense about climate change was born in the propaganda shops of the extraction industries (API-American Petroleum Institute.)


The science has long since been put to rest on this.  An overwhelming number of climate scientists are in agreement that the oceans are warming, and that warmer water is the fuel that these big storms are made of.  The science is also decided on why the oceans are warming – greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that our industries and utilities have been dumping out their smokestacks since the early 1900’s.


What will it take to convince the “climate deniers” that our addiction to fossil fuels is killing us?  What will it take for the voters to stop electing officials who legislate in favor of big oil, coal, and natural gas, instead of humanity? 


The petrochemical lobby has engages in the same style of misinformation campaign that the tobacco industry did when we first discovered that smoking causes cancer.  The technique involves spreading doubt about the dangers we all face if we don’t change our ways soon.  They have quack scientists publish outlandishly false, or at best misleading “science” to attack the findings of nearly all legitimate climate scientists and their agencies.


They know that they do not have to disprove the science, just cast enough doubt in the minds of low-information voters.  Much of the blame can also be leveled on alt-right media (FOX, Breitbart, Info-Wars) for propagating a media for these pseudo-scientists to spread their arguments that climate change is a left-wing fantasy; the mainstream media (CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC and to a lesser degree MSNBC) for not staying on point for more than a 24 hour news cycles.  Trump’s stupid antics have now sucked all the air from the news room lately.


After each mass shooting we ask for common sense gun control, but the GOP (or rather the NRA) say, “this is not the time to have this discussion.”


They are telling us the same thing when we try to talk about dealing with man made climate change.


If now is not the time, when?  How many people will have to move to higher ground before you act?  How many species must go extinct?  Why did the GOP sell their souls to the fossil fuel industries just to stay in power longer?  We must not fall into complacency and allow our Country to become a fascist dictatorship.  Stay vigilant.



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